[systemd-devel] Journald retaining logs for only 10 days

Andrei Borzenkov arvidjaar at gmail.com
Sat Nov 14 14:08:20 UTC 2020

14.11.2020 14:32, Nikolaus Rath пишет:
>>> # grep -vE '^#' /etc/systemd/journald.conf
>>> [Journal]
>>> SystemMaxUse=300M
>> The number shown by disk usage (320 MB) is higher than 300 MB. Maybe also check the files
>> in `/var/log/journal`.
> It's a bit bigger on disk too:
> # du -hs /var/log/journal
> 321M	/var/log/journal
> journalctl --verify does not find any errors.
> Could that be related to the short retention, or is this an unrelated problem?

It is not a "problem". You told journald to keep 300M of data and it
does exactly that.

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