[systemd-devel] howto switch from grub2-bios to systemd-boot

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Fri Sep 4 15:44:23 UTC 2020

On Fr, 04.09.20 17:10, Reindl Harald (h.reindl at thelounge.net) wrote:

> > No, that's not supported in sd-boot. A boot loader is a boot loader,
> > it should contain a fragile storage stack. It's kinda what sd-boot is
> > supposed to do better than grub.
> well, a boot loader should just *load* and not write anything so RAID1
> is technically no problem and it shouldn't matter which of the 1, 2, 3
> or 4 disks is there unless one survived.

Robust boot loaders typically want to write boot counters to disk, so
that they can automatically revert back to older versions of the
OS/kernel if it doesn't boot. Thus some form of write access is
necessary if you care about robustness.


Lennart Poettering, Berlin

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