[systemd-devel] Alias use in socket file

Belisko Marek marek.belisko at gmail.com
Tue Sep 8 06:45:20 UTC 2020


I'm using yocto build systemd and I'm using openssh server which
create sshd.socket + sshd at .service files. With socket I can control if
ssh is enabled / disabled. I have an application which expects to
check statu of ssh.service. I tried to add Alias=ssh.service to
sshd.socket file and tried systemd enable sshd.socket but systemd
cannot see ssh.service. Is there some other way to create a link to an
existing socket file? Thanks



as simple and primitive as possible
Marek Belisko - OPEN-NANDRA
Freelance Developer

Ruska Nova Ves 219 | Presov, 08005 Slovak Republic
Tel: +421 915 052 184
skype: marekwhite
twitter: #opennandra
web: http://open-nandra.com

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