[systemd-devel] [EXT] Re: Using timedatectl on a readonly rootfile system using mender

Colin Guthrie gmane at colin.guthr.ie
Wed Sep 9 08:23:32 UTC 2020

Alvin Šipraga wrote on 08/09/2020 22:54:
> Hi,
> On 9/8/20 4:12 PM, Colin Guthrie wrote:
>> 2. Set your /etc/ master image to make /etc/localtime to be a symlink to
>> /run/localtime and then ensure /run/localtime is a symlink to the
>> appropriate file in /usr during early boot (e.g. in initramfs). Then
>> when you want to to change the timezone, just update the /run/ symlink.
> This might not work as expected - systemd sometimes assumes that
> /etc/localtime is a symlink into /usr/share/zoneinfo and will not
> understand double symlinks. See src/basic/time-util.c:get_timezone() for
> at least one example.

But that really depends on what you define as "not work". Sure
timedatectl may not report correctly, but that shouldn't matter too much
if you're not using to query or update (the latter obviously won't work
anyway), but for the purposes of software *using* the timezone, I don't
tihnk anything will actually break.

Just my take on it, and could indeed be wrong. Just seems like a lot of
discussion over quite a minor point! :-)



Colin Guthrie

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