[systemd-devel] systemd SIGTERM's NetworkManager. NetworkManager dies, and takes WIRELESS with it. :(

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Thu Sep 10 15:28:44 UTC 2020

On Do, 10.09.20 10:48, qmail (qmail at gatworks.com) wrote:

> can someone tell me why systemd send a signal to NetworkManager to shutdown
> on an init 5 issued from a level 3?

changing runlevels is a sysv concept. On systemd runlevels 2,3,4
usually map to multi-user.target and runlevel 5 to
graphical.target. If you switch runlevels this is translated as
"isolating" to these two targets. Isolating means: stop all running services
that are no dep of the new target, and start all services that are dep of
the new target.

Hence, if NM goes away if you swtch from 3 to 5, this means your
graphical.target for some reason doesn't lst NM as dep. (That said,
there could also be a Conflicts= dep towards NM on some unit to be
started on graphical.target). Consider providing more than 9 lines of
logs around where this happens, it should show you what's going on in
particular if you issue "systemd-analyze log-level debug" first, to
request debug output.


Lennart Poettering, Berlin

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