[systemd-devel] journald forwarding to rsyslogd. Huge (350 times) performance degradation. What am I doing wrong???

Vitaly Repin vitaly_repin at fsfe.org
Sun Sep 20 14:09:33 UTC 2020


Thanks for the answer!

However, it looks like that imjournal module is not an option for me.

rsyslog imjournal module documentation
clearly recommends to use imuxsock module in my case:

[begin quote]
As such, the performance of a configuration utilizing this module may
be notably slower than when using imuxsock.
The journal provides imuxsock with a copy of all “classical” syslog
messages, however, it does not provide structured data. '
Only if that structured data is needed, imjournal must be used.
Otherwise, imjournal may simply be replaced by imuxsock, and we highly
suggest doing so.
[end quote]

I do not need structural data and I need performance. My system
generates a substantial amount of logs. I want to be able to store
messages with an arrival rate of 10 000 messages per second at least.

> Max rate at which log messages are NOT dropped is 17250 msg/s for logging to /run/systemd/journal/syslog.  And only 47 messages per second for logging to /dev/log.

Den sön 20 sep. 2020 kl 12:26 skrev Reindl Harald <h.reindl at thelounge.net>:
> Am 20.09.20 um 12:07 schrieb Vitaly Repin:
> > ForwardToSyslog=yes
> this is long obsolete
> $WorkDirectory /var/lib/rsyslog
> module(load="imjournal" StateFile="imjournal.state"
> WorkAroundJournalBug="on" Ratelimit.Interval="600" Ratelimit.Burst="50000")
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WBR & WBW, Vitaly

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