[systemd-devel] journald forwarding to rsyslogd. Huge (350 times) performance degradation. What am I doing wrong???

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Mon Sep 21 14:44:41 UTC 2020

On So, 20.09.20 12:07, Vitaly Repin (vitaly_repin at fsfe.org) wrote:

> Any ideas are appreciated.

Note that you compare apples with oranges. journald spends much time
on collecting log metadata (i.e. process identity, user identity,
cgroup stuff, …), which the others simply don't.

That said, for starters, try running something a bit newer than a
version from 215. 5 years is an eternity in software.

The metadata colleciton code gained support for caching much of the
metadata, which makes a major difference in particular if you have
only a few log sources which log a lot (in contrast to many different
log sources that log at the same time).


Lennart Poettering, Berlin

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