[systemd-devel] Memory in systemctl status

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Mon Sep 28 17:39:01 UTC 2020

Am 28.09.20 um 19:32 schrieb Dave Howorth:
>> the far slower copy from the list-server is silently purged by
>> intention to avoid receive ever ymessage twice on mailing lists where
>> people can't handle a MUA
> Well then, it's not Benjamin breaking the threading, it's you :P
> You need to rewrite your processing rules to prefer the list copy

how should the mail server supressing duplicates by intention smell that
the first message is a off-list copy?

* it's received
* it's stored
* later another with the same message ID arrives
* the later one is supressed

> Assuming Tbird is capable; else change your MUA.

not everyone is poor soul relying on client side rules, not for filter
duplicates and not for move messages in subfolders, that's what
mailservers are supposed to do so that the processing is independent
from the device in your hands

maybe Benjamin should switch the MUA or configure it correctly so that
he have a "reply-list" button which is based on the list headers

if he can't or don't want he can just delete everything but the list
address after "reply-all" as i did when respond to his messages

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