[systemd-devel] sd_bus_get_unique_name returns -EBADMSG or -EBUSY

Carlo Wood carlo at alinoe.com
Wed Apr 7 10:17:57 UTC 2021

On Tue, 6 Apr 2021 18:41:21 +0200
Lennart Poettering <lennart at poettering.net> wrote:

> EBADMSG usually means that somehow an invalid dbus packet we couldn't
> parse entered the stream. maybe some memory corruption thing? or maybe
> you are using this in a threaded env without locking?
> Lennart

Yes, that is the case. I was reading up on the demands,
which I found on

making me wonder why I went through the trouble of supporting
dbus with my library :p (which aims at massive parallel
execution without EVER blocking or going to sleep).

Libraries that do not support threading are a pain :/.

It would really help if you could tell me a more fine-
grained multi-threading demands; like - per connection.

Surely I can execute sd_bus_* functions that deal with
a different dbus* in parallel?

As you stated in the linked email, there is no global state.
So, I suppose that if I call any sd_bus_* function that
all that I have to take into account is that the data
that is passed to those functions is protected. If they
use different connections, then no data should be shared,


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