[systemd-devel] bitcoind.service activation problem

Tomasz Torcz tomek at pipebreaker.pl
Sat Apr 10 13:36:41 UTC 2021

Dnia Sat, Apr 10, 2021 at 05:39:34PM +0600, Shafiun Miraz napisał(a):
> [image: image.png]
> [image: image.png]
> I am getting this error. Please someone help me!

  Hey Shafiun, couple of notes:

- sending screenshots is not helpful, please just copy the message next

- there are no actual information why bitcoind.service is not starting.
  Use "systemctl status bitcoind" to see more information and logs
  related to the bitcoind.service. You can also use 
  "journalctl -u bitcoind.service" to see full logs.

  I expect startup problem is connected to bitcoind's configuration, but
  without logs it's only guesswork.

- finally, this is not a correct place to get support. Please open a bug
  with your Linux Distribution and ask them to replace systemd-devel URL
  with real support address (bugzilla, forum, github issues etc.).
  This way users will get quicker support in the future.

Tomasz Torcz                Only gods can safely risk perfection,
tomek at pipebreaker.pl     it's a dangerous thing for a man.  — Alia

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