[systemd-devel] systemctl reboot get terminated by signal 15

Pengpeng Sun pengpengs at vmware.com
Sun Apr 25 07:12:46 UTC 2021

Forgot to mention: Here I called '/sbin/telinit 6' to reboot,  '/sbin/telinit' is a softlink to '/bin/systemctl' in RHEL8.0. And the issue also reproduced if I call '/bin/systemctl reboot' directly.

Best regards,

On 2021/4/25, 3:09 PM, "Pengpeng Sun" <pengpengs at vmware.com> wrote:

    Hi Lennart,

    After modify journald.conf, got systemd log when the issue reproduced. Please find it in attachment.

    The issue reproduced at 2021-04-25T04:58:50, please help to review the systemd log around the same time.
    [2021-04-25T04:58:50.757Z] [   debug] Command to exec : '/sbin/telinit'.
    [2021-04-25T04:58:50.999Z] [    info] Sending PID: 1, UID: 0
    [2021-04-25T04:58:51.101Z] [   error] Process exited abnormally after 0 sec, uncaught signal 15

    Best regards,

    On 2021/4/24, 3:33 AM, "Lennart Poettering" <lennart at poettering.net> wrote:

        On Fr, 23.04.21 14:15, Pengpeng Sun (pengpengs at vmware.com) wrote:

        > Hi Lennart,
        > The issue reproduced at 2021-04-22T15:45:30.230Z,  I ran 'sudo journalctl -b', the log began at Apr 22 15:45:48 which is later than the issue reproduced.
        > How can I get more early and detailed systemd log?

        man 5 journald.conf

        Maybe your distro didn't enable persistent storage of journald, and
        thus journald uses only in-memory storage in /run, and is thus
        constrained by its diminutive size?


        Lennart Poettering, Berlin

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