[systemd-devel] Unreliable shutdown/reboot service on CentOS 8

Harryo harryo.dk at gmail.com
Fri Aug 13 09:42:16 UTC 2021

This service sometimes works and sometimes it doesn't.
Does the service die if one of the commands throws an error?
Or does the system shutdown before the script is done?
I don't know what's going on and I have tried so many things.

Description = move the files on reboot or shutdown
RequiresMountsFor = / /location
Before = multi-user.target

Type = oneshot
RemainAfterExit = true
ExecStart = /bin/true
ExecStop = /bin/bash /scripts/MoveFilesAndStuff.sh
StandardOutput = file:/location/movestufflog.log
StandardError = file:/location/movestufflog.log

WantedBy = multi-user.target halt.target shutdown.target reboot.target

export DISPLAY=:0.0
#exec >/ location/scripttestlog.txt 2>&1

\cp -rpf /var /location
\cp -rpf /etc /location
\cp -rpf /run /location
\cp -rpf /root /location

mv /location/defaultnetcron.xml /location/defaultnet.xml
mv /location/vdsmnetcron.xml /location/vdsmnet.xml

{shutdown a vm command}
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