[systemd-devel] Why systemd-journald is creating '/var/log/journal/machine_id" directory when Storage=auto

Nishant Nayan nayan.nishant2000 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 29 13:19:32 UTC 2021

Awesome, thanks!

Also, where can I find the code section where services And kernel logs to
After tracing from 'main' at journald.c I came across the part where
various sockets are opened and validated (/run/systemd/journal/stdout,
/dev/kmsg, /dev/log ) for journald to listen to logs of systemd services
and kernel. That is the server side part.

Where can I find the client side journald code where services and kernel
sends their logs to journal.


On Sun, 29 Aug 2021, 18:39 Michael Chapman, <mike at very.puzzling.org> wrote:

> On Sun, 29 Aug 2021, Nishant Nayan wrote:
> > Also I was wondering where in the code does journald.config file changes
> > are parsed?
> > For example in the above code , the line :-
> >       if (s->storage == STORAGE_PERSISTENT)
> > Here, s->storage corresponds to 'Storage' option of conf file right?
> > How is it getting set when we edit the conf file?
> The configuration files are loaded in server_parse_config_file(). The
> actual code that maps keys in the files to variables in the program is
> generated by gperf [1] from the journald-gperf.gperf source file.
> [1] https://www.gnu.org/software/gperf/manual/html_node/index.html
> > Also, on doing "ls /run/log/journal/machine_id/"
> > I can see output as following
> > <some_big_number>.journal
> > <some_another_big_number>.journal
> > .
> > .
> > .
> > system.journal
> >
> > Is 'system.journal' is the currently active journal and rest are archived
> > journals?
> That's correct.
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