[systemd-devel] Antw: [EXT] emergency shutdown, don't wait for timeouts

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Mon Jan 4 20:51:00 UTC 2021

Am 04.01.21 um 20:41 schrieb Phillip Susi:
> Reindl Harald writes:
>> i have seen "user manager" instances hanging for way too long and way
>> more than 3 minutes over the last 10 years
> The default timeout is 3 minutes iirc, so at that point it should be
> forcibly killed.

i have seen often enough more than one user-manager instance and the 
total wait was way longer then the configured timeout - no matter why

and if it comes to dependencies the 3 minutes get multiplied easily when 
more than one service is running into the tmeout and waitung for each other

frankly, i had cases where i was tempted to plug the power becaus eof 
endless wait

however, it simply makes sense to have a different timeout at 
emegergency shutdown and if it only ensures that important services even 
get the change to shutdown cleanly in their dependency chain before 
power goes away

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