[systemd-devel] troubleshooting Clevis

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Tue Sep 28 11:33:33 UTC 2021

On Di, 28.09.21 12:26, lejeczek (peljasz at yahoo.co.uk) wrote:

> Hi guys.
> I have 'clevis' set to get luks pin from 'tang' but unlock does not happen
> at/during boot time and I wonder if someone can share thoughts on how to
> investigate that?
> I cannot see anything obvious fail during boot, moreover, manual
> 'clevis-luks-unlock' works no problems.

This is the systemd mailing list, not the clevis/tang mailing
list. Please contact the clevis/tang community instead.


Lennart Poettering, Berlin

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