[systemd-devel] Dropping split-usr/unmerged-usr support

Wol antlists at youngman.org.uk
Fri Apr 8 00:49:57 UTC 2022

On 07/04/2022 23:48, Jason A. Donenfeld wrote:
> A few conversations over the course of the day in an IRC channel isn't
> necessarily representative of the whole project, but the impression I
> got was way less so about hostility and more so just that nobody has
> gotten around to doing the work and tracking whatever bugs come out of
> it that need to be fixed. It's been started, but seems to have
> fizzled. Maybe the recent discussion here and funny happenings over in
> Debian will inject some life into it. So maybe we'll wind up with
> merged usr after all. No promises, but I think it's much more a matter
> of "when" than "if".
> (My personal 2ยข is that I'd be happy to see systemd help corral us
> stragglers into merged usr, and in the process, drop some complexity
> of its own for supporting unmerged usr.)

I don't really have a horse in that race, I'm just left with the strong 
feeling that there are people who are strongly anti-systemd, and there 
are people who are pro-systemd, but what's important is THEY RESPECT 
EACH OTHER. It's just that the anti-systemd guys are in the majority, 
and it shows. (Funtoo left me with a very nasty taste, best described as 
"you always see in others, your own worst faults" :-(


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