[systemd-devel] LogsDirectory= permissions

Andrea Pappacoda andrea at pappacoda.it
Thu Apr 21 08:54:50 UTC 2022

Il giorno mer 20 apr 2022 alle 22:43:01 +02:00:00, Lennart Poettering 
<lennart at poettering.net> ha scritto:
> Yes, use User=www-data + Group=www-data.
> And then use the "!" modifier in ExecStart= to tell systemd that even
> though the specified User=/Group= are the ones used by the service it
> should leave set setuid() call to be done by the daemon itself. If
> specified that way, systemd will invoke the main daemon binary as
> root:root.

Oh, thanks! I didn't think about this. It almost fixes everything; the 
logs were previously owned by www-data:adm, making them possible to 
read by users part of the adm group, while now they're owned by 
www-data:www-data. Am I forced to use something like `chown --recursive 
www-data:adm /var/log/nginx` or do I have cleaner alternatives?

> That said, are you sure you need to run the nginx binary as root? My
> suspicion is that it would be much nixer if nginx would be fixed to
> just be able to be invoked unprivileged (or at worst, with some very
> limited ambient caps, such as CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE).

As far as I know, yes. nginx has a master process that spawns 
unprivileged worker threads that handle incoming requests, while the 
master handles things like binding to ports 80 and 443 and setting up 
TLS certificates, two actions that require elevated privileges. Reading 
the certificate keys needs root privileges more than the other things; 
making the key readable by www-data would be even worse, and giving the 
CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE capability to an unprivileged nginx service would in 
part defeat the purpose of not running it as root, as now worker 
processes (more vulnerable than the master one) would be able to deal 
grater damage if compromised.

But of course I'm not very experienced, so there might be a nice 
solution that I completely ignore.

Thanks again for your tips :D

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