[systemd-devel] Splitting sd-boot from systemd/bootctl for enabling sd-boot in Fedora

Jóhann B. Guðmundsson johannbg at gmail.com
Sat Apr 30 07:53:33 UTC 2022

On 30.4.2022 05:08, Andrei Borzenkov wrote:
> On 28.04.2022 10:54, Lennart Poettering wrote:
>>> * systemd-boot is an additional bootloader, rather than replacing
>>>    an existing one, thus increasing the attack surface.
>> Hmm, what? "additional bootloader"? Are they suggesting you use grub
>> to start sd-boot? I mean, you certainly could do that, but the only
>> people I know who do that do that to patch around the gatekeeping that
>> the shim people are doing. Technically the boot chain should either be
>> [firmware → sd-boot → kernel] or [firmware → shim → sd-boot → kernel]
>> (if you buy into the shim thing), and nothing else.
> I guess "additional bootloader" in this context means that distribution
> cannot use sd-boot as the only bootloader for obvious reason - it is EFI
> only. So distribution would need to keep currently used bootloader
> anyway.

Distributions most certainly can become efi only if they chose to do so, 
there nothing technical that stands in that way.

> If current bootloader already works on platforms supported by
> distribution, what is gained by adding yet another one?

Freedom of *choice*

If the distribution allows users the freedom to choose from a set of 
components that the OS "made of" or runs, to fit the user use cases or 
has targeted use cases ( which bootloaders such as syslinux, u-boot, 
redboot etc. are aimed at ) then drawing the line at bootloaders makes 
no sense.*

If the distribution does not allow users the freedom to choose, then it 
makes no sense to support multiple variants of components that provide 
same/similar function in the distribution.*

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