[systemd-devel] mdmon at md127 is stopped early

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Mon Feb 14 09:31:04 UTC 2022

On Fr, 11.02.22 13:50, Mariusz Tkaczyk (mariusz.tkaczyk at linux.intel.com) wrote:

> > Otherwise there might simply be another program that explicitly tells
> > systemd to shut this stuff down, i.e. some script or so. Turn on debug
> > logging (systemd-analyze log-level debug) before shutting down, the
> > logs should tell you a thing or two about why the service is stopped.
> >
> That is ridiculous when I enabled debug logging by command provided, it
> is not killed:

A heisenbug. Usually some race then. i.e. the extra debug logging
probably slows down relevant processes long enough so that others can
catch up that previously couldn't.


Lennart Poettering, Berlin

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