[systemd-devel] Unable to check 'effective' cgroup limits

Lennart Poettering mzerqung at 0pointer.de
Mon Jul 4 08:48:45 UTC 2022

On Do, 09.06.22 11:40, Lewis Gaul (lewis.gaul at gmail.com) wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> [Disclaimer: cross posting from
> https://github.com/containers/podman/discussions/14538]
> Apologies that this is more of a Linux cgroup question than specific to
> systemd, but I was wondering if someone here might be able to enlighten
> me...
> Two questions:
>    - Why on cgroups v1 do the cpuset controller's
>    cpuset.effective_{cpus,mems} seem to simply not work?

systemd doesn't support cpuset on cgroupsv1. It's too broken.

systemd supports cpuset only on cgroupsv2.

>    - Is there any way to check effective cgroup memory or hugetlb limits?
>    (cgroups v1 or v2)

We do not support hugetlb at all.

We currently do not have an API for querying effective cgroup limits
(but sounds OK to aff, file an RFE), but you can of course go to
cgroupfs and read what's set there, for now?


Lennart Poettering, Berlin

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