[systemd-devel] rc-local.service and its future in systemd?

Aki Ketolainen akik at mykolab.com
Mon Apr 24 10:20:09 UTC 2023

> as Lennard already told you in the GitHub issue that "last" just 
> doesn't make sense in systemd, there is also no need to change the 
> dependencies
> global for everyone. Especially as there are systems out there which 
> doesn't have crond installed (because there are .timer).
> Your best bet is really to change all your custom scripts from rc.local 
> into proper .service and instead of crond check out systemd.timer.
> BR
> Silvio

I tried to set After=systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service but I got some 
cyclic dependency problem. Would you know how to do that?

Best regards,


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