[systemd-devel] Feedback sought: can we drop cgroupv1 support soon?

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Mon Aug 7 16:26:06 UTC 2023

On Do, 20.07.23 01:59, Dimitri John Ledkov (dimitri.ledkov at canonical.com) wrote:

> Some deployments that switch back their modern v2 host to hybrid or v1, are
> the ones that need to run old workloads that contain old systemd. Said old
> systemd only has experimental incomplete v2 support that doesn't work with
> v2-only (the one before current stable magick mount value).

What's stopping you from mounting a private "named" cgroup v1
hierarchy to such containers (i.e. no controllers). systemd will then
use that when taking over and not bother with mounting anything on its
own, such as a cgroupv2 tree.

that should be enough to make old systemd happy.


Lennart Poettering, Berlin

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