[systemd-devel] PAMName=login, systemctl stop

Valentijn Sessink valentijn at sessink.nl
Mon Jul 3 08:58:27 UTC 2023

Hi Lennart, hi list,

On 03-07-2023 10:47, Lennart Poettering wrote:
>> I can get the CGroup and session scope with "systemctl status <mainpid>";
>> but I still can't figure out what to stop then. So how can I finish this
>> "spawned off" session - the one that started from a "PAMName=login" option
>> in the service file?
> I am not sure I grok your question.

 From your answer I'd guess you did.

> But we do not provide a way
> currently to associate session scope units with the service units they
> have been created by. There's no nice way to go from one to ther
> other.

OK, that's important information.

Now my remaining question is probably so very basic, that you sort of 
missed it: my "session" is started from a script and so I'm probably 
able to stop all services in the session from within this script - if I 
knew how to find "it": "it" being "the thing to stop", i.e. "my own 
session" or something like that. I.e. the script should kill itself and 
all its children.

Would that be possible? I simply don't know how to "find my own session 
and kill it" from within my own session - and I wouldn't know how to 
stop it either.

To rephrase: how should a session commit suicide if it really wants to? ;-)

Does that help? (Or is the answer "no you can't - seek help" ;-)

Best regards,


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