[systemd-devel] Security and technical differences between systemd-nspawn and OpenVZ / LXC

Paulo Coghi - Coghi IT paulocoghi at gmail.com
Thu Jul 6 15:40:05 UTC 2023

Watching Lennart's presentation on youtube (the famous one in 2013),
Lennart explains that systemd-nspawn is not conceived to be used on
production and server environments (as OpenVZ is, at least for us), but
only for testing, development, debugging, etc.

Does this limitation of scope still remain? Or has the project "expanded"
over the last 10 years in the direction of production environments usage as

On Thu, Jul 6, 2023 at 5:19 PM Paulo Coghi - Coghi IT <paulocoghi at gmail.com>

> Obs: when I mentioned the open source manager, what I meant was about my
> startup doing the development, in case the systemd community is interested.
> On Thu, Jul 6, 2023 at 5:04 PM Paulo Coghi - Coghi IT <
> paulocoghi at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello Systemd Devel team,
>> I've been using OpenVZ for 11 years in production without the security
>> problems I faced with LXC. But as a non-official mainstream library of
>> Linux kernel, there is always a gap. Virtuozzo is working on OpenVZ 9 with
>> kernel 5.14 now, but it is still not released.
>> Systemd-nspawn seems promising, and I would like to cordially ask a few
>> questions.
>> 1. Does systemd-nspawn officially support system containers?
>> I would like to not conclude it myself, but it seems so, after reading
>> the official documentation.
>> 2. The "experience" inside a system container is similar to a VM, like on
>> OpenVZ?
>> On OpenVZ containers, except for kernel related activities (like adding
>> kernel modules), everything is identical to a virtual machine, with the
>> "root" user from the container being able to manage everything, like adding
>> new users, changing firewall rules, installing multiple services (web
>> servers, databases), managing cron jobs, etc.
>> 3. Security - Can those OS containers be used in production, with
>> multiple containers from multiple owners inside the same host?
>> On LXC, for example, there are vulnerabilities that can be exploited,
>> allowing a container user to escape to the host. On OpenVZ, it seems that
>> his was already addressed more than a decade ago.
>> Does systemd-nspawn provide such security, not allowing a "container
>> user" to escape to the host?
>> 4. Storage and Inodes
>> On OpenVZ, we could create "virtualized" file systems, like ploop, which
>> avoids consuming inodes on the host's file system, while lightweight enough
>> to provide near-native performance.
>> Is there any approach to have similar benefits through systemd-nspawn?
>> I really hope to use systemd-nspawn as our new system container manager!
>> Off-topic: If all answers are positive, is there any interest by the
>> systemd team on an MVP of an open source manager for systemd-nspawn, like
>> Proxmox was to OpenVZ/LXC?
>> Kind regards,
>> Paulo Coghi
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