[systemd-devel] Reg: systemd boot up hung after sysroot.mount in initrd phase

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Mon May 15 07:34:35 UTC 2023

On So, 07.05.23 20:28, RAJESH DASARI (raajeshdasari at gmail.com) wrote:

> Hi ,
> We are issuing reboot with this command  systemctl  --no-block reboot
> and  boot up is stuck at initrd phase , we are using dracut and
> systemd in initramfs phase. Boot up is stuck after  sysroot.mount is
> executed(Issue is always reproducible), I have enabled debug logs by
> passing systemd.log_level=debug systemd.log_target=console to kernel
> command line , issue is disappeared and I also tried to enable the
> dracut debug logs rd.debug=1, issue is disappeared. Then I have added
> sleep 1 in the systemd-fsck-root.service , then the issue is not seen.
> So it looks like a timing issue.
> Starting [0;1;39msystemd-fsck-root.service[0m - File System Check on
> /dev/disk/by-label/rootfs...
> Finished [0;1;39msystemd-fsck-root.service[0m - File System Check on
> /dev/disk/by-label/rootfs.
> Mounting [0;1;39msysroot.mount[0m - /sysroot...
>  EXT4-fs (vda1): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)
>  Mounted [0;1;39msysroot.mount[0m - /sysroot. -> boot up stuck after this.
> We are using systemd version-251.13 and with systemd  version-249.14
> we didn't notice this. Is there any new issue with this version or Is
> there any known issue if not Could you please let me know how to debug
> this further.

This is a very vague report. It doesn't specify which distro is even
used. With the short logs excerpt one cannot figure anything out.

This looks a lot like an integration issue, i.e. something you shoul
first ask your distro about.

Other than that, there's this:



Lennart Poettering, Berlin

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