[systemd-devel] setting up systemd-boot with separate EFI and boot partitions

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Tue May 23 08:51:28 UTC 2023

On Mo, 22.05.23 14:26, Felix Rubio (felix at kngnt.org) wrote:

> I have installed arch linux recently, with systemd-boot as boot manager and
> the EFI partition mounted on /boot. I am wondering how can I mount the EFI
> partition on /boot/efi,  while vmlinuz-linux and initramf remain in /boot?
> Currently in my /boot/loader/entries/arch.conf I have the following:
> title Arch Linux
> linux /vmlinuz-linux
> initrd /amd-ucode.img
> initrd /initramfs-linux.img
> options root=PARTUUID=<part_uuid> rw
> On this setup, I guess amd-ucode.img must remain in /boot/efi, but how can I
> specify that vmlinuz-linux and initramfs-linux.img are in another partition,
> if possible at all?

sd-boot is an EFI program that uses EFI APIs to access file systems,
hence it only generally supports FAT. It will look in the ESP as well
as in XBOOTLDR. Thus is you mark your /boot/ partition as XBOOTLDR and
format it is vfat it should just work.


Lennart Poettering, Berlin

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