sysupdate: Limit update to at most one major version

Lennart Poettering lennart at
Tue Jan 2 13:06:06 UTC 2024

On Di, 02.01.24 13:49, Nils Kattenbeck (nilskemail at wrote:

> > I'd be fine with adding MaxVersion=. Happy to review a patch, merge
> > something like this (at least file an RFE issue)
> Should that be inclusive or exclusive? Naming it MaxVersion would
> imply it to be inclusive though an exclusive bound would likely be
> more useful most of the time. One could then specify MaxVersion=1.3.0
> in their 1.2.x images and once they have an upgrade path they would
> explicitly raise the max version in e.g. 1.2.15. Otherwise they would
> have to specify 1.99.99.
> In retrospect a VersionBound= property with syntax similar to
> ConditionKernelVersion= would have been better though I guess that
> ship has sailed - or is it? Is sd-sysupdate still considered
> experimental? Not sure if this warrants such a change though :shrug:

We do not allow "=" nor "<" in version strings, as per

Hence we could use that fact and say: "MaxVersion= <=47.11",
"MaxVersion= <47.11" could be used to make the type of version
comparison explicit. This would implement a tiny subset of the
ConditionKernelVersion= logic, and simply default to imply <= if the
comparison is not specified explicitly.

Of course, a similar logic should then be implemented for MinVersion,
i.e. >= and >

> Should we continue this discussion on the mailing list or an issue?

Issue is better.


Lennart Poettering, Berlin

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