[systemd-devel] openSUSE MicroOS/Tumbleweed with systemd-boot available

Ludwig Nussel ludwig.nussel at suse.de
Mon Jan 15 14:26:42 UTC 2024

Ludwig Nussel wrote:
> JFYI openSUSE now has a MicroOS (transactional system with read-only /) 
> qcow image¹ suitable for use in qemu that uses systemd-boot. The image 
> is part of the Tumbleweed development process and automatically released 
> (ie potentially daily). It's fully integrated with btrfs snapshots and 
> rollback. As a special gimmick the image automatically encrypts itself 
> on first boot. Optionally the image can also leverage a TPM or FIDO2 key 
> to unlock the volume. Still quite WIP so I wouldn't recommend this for 
> production use. Nevertheless worth trying out to see how a mainstream 
> distro may leverage the technology.
> The image implements what I talked about at ASG². A more detailed 
> article is available on news.o.o³. Some screenshots in the wiki⁴ and a 
> video⁵ from openQA for the impatient :-)
> A Tumbleweed image with traditional writable file system will follow 
> soon. That one will be more convenient for development.

The Tumbleweed image is now released as well:



  (o_   Ludwig Nussel
  V_/_  http://www.suse.com/
SUSE Software Solutions Germany GmbH; GF:  Ivo Totev, Andrew
McDonald, Werner Knoblich; HRB 36809 (AG Nürnberg)

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