[systemd-devel] Bump: Testing LogFilterPatterns= on user-level services

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Fri Jan 26 08:11:24 UTC 2024

On Do, 25.01.24 22:29, Farblos (akfkqu.9df7rp at vodafonemail.de) wrote:

> Hi.
> I sent below mail some week ago, Barry's reply left me unsure as to
> whether this would be a bug or not.  I still tend do assume that I'm
> "doing something wrong".

This is currently not supported. The filters are communicated by the
service manager to journald via xattrs on the cgroups, and journald
will only consider those for cgroups owned by root, i.e. not on
cgroups delegated to unpriv users like this done for systemd --user

Interepreting arbitrary regexes configured by unpriv code in priv code
comes at some risk,. becose afair constructing them can come at O(2^n)
time, i.e. a rogue regex could make use consume unbounded time on
processing journal messages.

Hence, I wouldn't hold your breath. Unless someone figures out a smart
way to deal with this it's unlikely to be supported.

We should document this however I guess. Hence if you file an issue
that would be more than welcome, so that we can keep trakc of this.


Lennart Poettering, Berlin

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