[systemd-devel] Question about the behavior of systemd (when requesting A/AAAA via multiple interfaces)

松藤 諒太 r-matsufuji at intelligent-design.co.jp
Mon Jul 1 03:56:22 UTC 2024

Dear contributers for systemd-resolved:

Hello. I'm Ryota Matsufuji.

Could I ask a question about the behavior of systemd-resolved?

When being requested v4 and v6 address by application(such as wget with 
default option or firefox),
depending on the interfaces' configuration, I watched multiple queries 
for both v4 and v6 address are launched through those interfaces.

At this condition, I've found that systemd-resolved performed to return 
the result of those queries to application
unless all queries are completed being resolved via one of multiple 

I imagined that when A and AAAA record are received, disregarding any 
interface completed resolving queries through itself,
resolved could return the result.
(for instance, received A from eth0 and AAAA from eth1, and not received 
AAAA from eth0 and A from eth1)

Actually, It seems not as above.

If is there any reason or restriction that resolved should wait for 
completing all queries through one of interfaces to return the result,
I'm afraid I would ask the question for why it is ?

I attached the pdf, illustrating the image of this behavior.

Furthermore, does systemd provide the configuration to switch this 
behavior ?

If so, could I get the information about the config option?


株式会社iD 九州デザインセンター 開発部
松藤 諒太 (Ryota Matsufuji)
〒812-0011 博多市博多区博多駅前1-7-22 第14岡部ビル8F
TEL: 050-3066-3507
E-mail:r-matsufuji at intelligent-design.co.jp
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