[systemd-devel] configuring nspawn private network (mtu & mac)

Mantas Mikulėnas grawity at gmail.com
Mon Jul 1 17:38:54 UTC 2024

On Mon, Jul 1, 2024 at 6:35 PM Ede Wolf <listac at nebelschwaden.de> wrote:

> Got it. On the host I need to match OriginalName, not Name, in the link
> file. Then I am able to set the macaddress and the mtu.
> Since I am not sure, how stable those names are (as in
> vb-webserver at if3), is there maybe a way I have missed to label the
> interface names in the .nspawn file to later reference them in the .link
> file?

"@if3" is not part of the name. The interface name should be just
"vb-webserver" and is based directly on the nspawn name.

Mantas Mikulėnas
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