[systemd-devel] namespace problem

Thomas Köller thomas at koeller.dyndns.org
Thu Jul 18 10:57:44 UTC 2024

Am 18.07.24 um 12:18 schrieb Mantas Mikulėnas:
> Would really like to see the contents of the .service file. Does it use 
> any hardening options at all?

root at htpc:~/netsu# cat /etc/systemd/system/network-setup.service
Before = systemd-networkd.service
Before = network-setup.service
ProtectSystem = full
Type = oneshot
WorkingDirectory = %h/netsu
RemainAfterExit = true
ExecStart = %h/netsu/netsu start
ExecStop = %h/netsu/netsu stop

WantedBy = network.target

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