[systemd-devel] Bump: Journal file disk usage on frequently rebooted systems ... again

Lennart Poettering lennart at poettering.net
Mon May 27 08:28:05 UTC 2024

On So, 26.05.24 10:23, Jens Schmidt (farblos at vodafonemail.de) wrote:

> 3.4MiB just to store 856 characters?

It stores structured logs for each of these entries, see "journalctl
-o verbose", i.e. a *lot* more data than you see in the simple output.

It also maintains an index for field, so that "systemctl status" can
reasonably quickly show only only the data for a specific unit. and so

Which systemd version are you using?

In v252 many of the 64bit fields of the original journal format were
optionally reduced to 32bit, which makes the format a lot smaller.


Lennart Poettering, Berlin

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