[systemd-devel] How can you differentiate behavior between stop and stop as part of restart?

Kelsey Cummings kelsey.cummings at sonic.com
Tue Oct 15 00:54:28 UTC 2024

I've come up to a problem that I haven't been able to figure out how to 
solve.  I have a well behaved daemon process that manages its own 
children and has both the ability to gracefully reload it's config and 
gracefully restart.  A graceful restart would work best by starting a 
new parent and then signalling the old parent which would exit once the 
children complete any in-process requests.

Restart as stop && start is close enough for my use case but in order to 
ensure the new parent process starts without waiting for the graceful 
stop to complete I had to set "KillMode=none" and explicitly add the 
"default" "ExecStop=/bin/kill -s QUIT $MAINPID" to the unit file.

This behaves as expected and restarts are fast enough for my needs.

HOWEVER, I would like stop to wait for all of the children to gracefully 
exit should stop be called explicitly and/or as part of system 

I see some long past discussion about adding supporting for ExecRestart 
which could theoretically solve the problem but I figure I'm stuck 
thinking about it the wrong way.

What's the systemd canonical way to set get the desired behavior?

kelsey.cummings at sonic.com                 sonic.net, inc.
System Architect                          2260 Apollo Way
707.522.1000                              Santa Rosa, CA

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