[systemd-devel] Exploring Minimal Systemd in Initramfs for Faster Boot

Dharma.B at microchip.com Dharma.B at microchip.com
Wed Sep 25 15:53:36 UTC 2024

Hi Serenissi,

Thanks for your valuable comments.

> which means you won't be able to run egt in initfamfs until main rootfs 
> is mounted anyways? 

Yes, egt depends on libraries and examples under /usr/share in rootfs.

> In theory you can use RootImage to point to /sysroot and start egt after 
> rootfs is mounted in initramfs. That way you won't even need the binary 
> inside initramfs. This will give a very small amount of time advantage 
> of launching systemd in rootfs and running basic.target. Not sure if 
> that is what you are looking for.

yes something similar to this, I will experiment this and get back to you.

and I think since the egt service and its libraries depend on the full 
rootfs, integrating initramfs might not provide significant benefits in 
terms of faster launch time. The time saved by using an initramfs to 
launch basic services earlier would likely be offset by the delay in 
mounting the root filesystem, which is necessary for accessing the egt 

With Best Regards,
Dharma B.

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