[systemd-devel] Clarification on notify-reload and SIGHUP handling

Łukasz Niemier lukasz at niemier.pl
Sat Feb 8 21:47:13 UTC 2025

I am working on Erlang-native implementation of libsystemd-like interface (for the integration layer only). And right now I started working on integrating `notify-reload`, but I have encountered an issue. When I am running `systemctl reload echo` with my integration then I see weird behaviour:
- SIGHUP is received
- `RELOADING=1` message is sent
- after five seconds I send `READY=1` message

However systemd is still reporting that the service is reloading. This behaviour do not occur when I try to run `kill -HUP <pid>` or when I manually send both messages from the process.

I cannot find where is problem, is there any special case that I need to take care of?

$ systemctl --version
systemd 256 (256.5-2ubuntu3.1)


Łukasz Niemier
lukasz at niemier.pl

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