[systemd-devel] scheduling services first during shutdown/reboot

Andrei Borzenkov arvidjaar at gmail.com
Wed Feb 12 17:54:08 UTC 2025

12.02.2025 16:35, Olaf Hering wrote:
> What is the proper way to run a service as the very first unit when the
> system goes down? I want to run it before systemd stops active sessions
> with "Stopping Session N of User $user...".
> It seems that "After=session-N.scope" does have the desired effect,
> but I may have to list every possible value of N, to not miss anything.

mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/session-.scope.d
printf "[Unit]\nBefore=your-very-first.service\n" > 

> There is nothing obvious mentioned in systemd.special.
> Thanks,
> Olaf

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