[systemd-devel] sanity check: why am I unable to manage my own directory with systemd-tmpfiles?

Kevin P. Fleming lists.systemd-devel at kevin.km6g.us
Fri Jan 31 06:42:20 UTC 2025

On Fri, Jan 31, 2025, at 00:09, Brian Reichert wrote:
> I'm trying to manage a new tempdir with systemd-tmpfiles, but I
> can't find a set of directives that do what I expect.
> I'm obviously missing something, as there's plenty of documentation
> out there, but I can't achieve the desired effect.
> My environment is SLES12SP6, running systemd 228.

While this isn't directly help for your situation... systemd 228 is positively ancient (something like 9 years or more). Any documentation you are referring to, other than the documentation on the system itself, is almost certainly written for newer versions and assumes behavior present in those newer versions.

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