<div dir="ltr">Hello everyone,<div><br></div><div>I would like to have a question
regarding to the building dependency and cycle dependency handling on
systemd-228. In my system, I have some socket and service files, it has a
cycle on socket target, when I run on system-228, systemd-228 throws</div><div><br></div><div><div>[ 40.358582] systemd[1]: Set hostname to <MY-2>.</div><div>[ 41.154231] systemd[1]: nss-lookup.target: Dependency Before=nss-lookup.target dropped</div><div>[ 41.297229] systemd[1]: sockets.target: Found ordering cycle on sockets.target/start</div><div>[ 41.297236] systemd[1]: sockets.target: Found dependency on asi-My-5101.socket/start</div><div>[ 41.297239] systemd[1]: sockets.target: Found dependency on My-sshd.target/start</div><div>[ 41.297241] systemd[1]: sockets.target: Found dependency on My-syncd.service/start</div><div>[ 41.297244] systemd[1]: sockets.target: Found dependency on My-nfs-client.service/start</div><div>[ 41.297246] systemd[1]: sockets.target: Found dependency on My-handling.service/start</div><div>[ SKIP ] Ordering cycle found, skipping My Telnet Server Socket on port 5101</div><div>[ SKIP ] Ordering cycle found, skipping My Telnet Server Socket on port 5010</div><div>[ SKIP ] Ordering cycle found, skipping My Telnet Server Socket on port 5111</div><div>[ SKIP ] Ordering cycle found, skipping asi-vsftpd-MyIO_2.socket</div><div>[ SKIP ] Ordering cycle found, skipping My Telnet Server Socket on port 5110</div><div>[ SKIP ] Ordering cycle found, skipping My Telnet Server Socket on port 5002</div><div>[ SKIP ] Ordering cycle found, skipping My Telnet Server Socket on port 5100</div><div>[ SKIP ] Ordering cycle found, skipping Remo...ell Facilities Activation Socket</div><div>[ SKIP ] Ordering cycle found, skipping My Telnet Server Socket on port 5011</div><div>[ SKIP ] Ordering cycle found, skipping My sshd target</div></div><div><br></div><div><br></div>It said that there is an ordering on the sockets.target, then break the cycle and SKIP randomly starting other
service => the system cannot start. However I did not meet the same
issue on systemd-210 with the same my services and sockets. Systemd-210
does not break and skip, and my system can start well.<div><br></div><div>My
question is if there are any significant different about building tree
dependency and handling cycle dependency between systemd-210 and
systemd-228 that can lead to my current situation? I have checked the
change log, source code but not found any useful info</div><div><br></div><div>And what does the message "nss-lookup.target: Dependency Before=nss-lookup.target dropped" mean? I do not see it in systemd-210.</div><div><br></div><div>Many thanks for your support,</div><div>Best regards,<br></div><div>Naru<br></div></div>