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I'm not sure this is the right place to pose this question, nor that
I'm asking the "right" question, so kindly direct me if I "have it
all wrong."<br>
Having looked at the "namespace" features such as those of `ip
netns` and/or those available via `unshare` or even `systemd-nspawn`
it seems there is a rather large hole in that DNS resolution and the
associated caches cross namespace boundaries. I suppose this is a
general problem faced by any system/node level caching service
accessed by APIs from within namespaces.<br>
Maybe I'm thinking about this wrong, but it would seem to me that
network services such as the DNS cache should respect namespace
boundaries. Otherwise, a container that has (for example) set an
/etc/netns/othernamespace/resolv.conf pointing to a different DNS
server than the node's main resolv.conf will receive cached
responses from queries made outside its namespace.<br>
Probably this is an issue that goes beyond systemd-resolved and
should also be addressed in glibc's "nss" helpers such as
nss-resolve and nss-dns and/or any associated caches.<br>
Are there plans to address this issue? I'm assuming there's enough
information about the context of a resolution request at the time
systemd-resolved receives that request, for it to know the namespace
into which it is vending its response? Perhaps this would not be the
case for queries sent to the stub address, but I imagine
even this could at be dealt with by providing multiple stub
responders on separate IPs that can be targeted appropriately from
within each network namespace.<br>
It's possible the "safe" solution is to turn of name resolution and
other caches or to use a more complete container solution (e.g. a
more complete virtual OS instance) and that pushing namespace
support into the resolver is some kind of slippery slope -- but it
seems like a clear and present (and common) need, if not danger.<br>
Things I've read before posting this:<br>
man 8 nsenter<br>
man 8 ip-netns<br>
man 8 systemd-resolved<br>
man 1 systemd-nspawn<br>
man nss-resolve<br>
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext"
The motivating usecase:<br>
client apps operating in a namespace, through a Wireguard VPN device
with default routes and DNS via the far end should resolve names
always as if the DNS server configured in the namespace's
resolv.conf sourced the response.<br>