[Tango-artists] Dealing with Hidden versions of icons

Steven Garrity stevelist at silverorange.com
Wed Nov 2 05:44:36 PST 2005

We've had a bit of discussion yesterday in #tango "hidden" versions of 

Currently, the icon-naming-spec contains two entries for hidden 
directories (x-directory-normal-hidden and x-directory-remote-hidden).

There seems to be consensus that a 50% transparent versions of icons is 
a good way denote "hidden" status. It may make more sense for apps 
(Nautilus, Konqueror, etc.) to make the normal icons transparent, rather 
than having separate "hidden" versions of the icons.

This approach also has the advantage of being able to make *any* icon 
look "hidden" (could  be useful for mime-type icons, etc.).

If we do want to go this route, perhaps we should remove the 
x-directory-normal-hidden and x-directory-remote-hidden entries from the 
icon naming spec and somehow make it official that applications should 
leave it up them to make hidden icons transparent.

Steven Garrity

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