[Tango-artists] Emotions

Andreas Nilsson nisses.mail at home.se
Wed Nov 9 13:52:52 PST 2005

We need to add some more emotions to the spec, to better sync with what 
emotions most people use when chatting.
- Andreas

Kenneth Rohde Christiansen wrote:

> About emoticons. I never really used emoticons very much, but seeing
> my sister and my fiancee, and the rest of my family chat over MSN, I
> have noticed that some emoticons are actually very important for most
> people.
> Here is a list of the MSN emoticons and I will explain which ones I
> find important.
> http://elouai.com/msn-emoticons.php
> :$ shy/embarraged but mostly used when people say nice things to you
> and you feel shy
> :S confused, a bit shocked (na ja as a German would say:)
> <:o) party, but mostly used for when people are happy, like "yes!",
> "cool!" "Nice!!!"
> (L) love, used a lot between couples
> :* / (K) a kiss, used a lot between couples. Also very popular in
> latin culture where it is normal to say goodbye with a kiss
> ({) (}) Female and male hug, used to conford people and between couples
> *-) Used when you think/are wondering about somethign someone said
> (t) when the telephone is calling or yuo are busy talking on the phone
> These seem to be the most important ones to me. Of course people use
> more, but there are those my fiancee tells me she cannot live without
> when using MSN :)
> Some name suggestions:
> face-shy, face-confused, face-happy, face-love (can show face with
> heart of just heart), face-kiss, face-male-hug, face-female-hug,
> face-wondering, face-telephone.
> Cheers,
> Kenneth

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