[Tango-artists] Request for icons

Andreas Nilsson nisses.mail at home.se
Thu Aug 10 03:00:32 PDT 2006

Simon TRENY wrote:
> Hello,
> I am the main developer of Etk, a toolkit (as GTK or QT) using the EFL
> (the EFL are a set of libraries developed and used by the window
> manager e17). You can see an old screenshot of some test apps using
> ETK here:
> http://mtreny.free.fr/etk/etk_apps.png
> As you can see on the screenshot, I'm using the default icon set of the
> Tango Project as the default icon set for Etk. The existing icons look
> really good with the Etk's default widget theme. But some important
> icons are still missing.
> The missing icons that I would need are mostly icons for the buttons of
> the dialogs:
> - "dialog-cancel"
> - "dialog-close"
> - "dialog-ok"
> I also haven't found a "dialog-apply" icon in the naming specs, maybe
> it could be useful too (or it could be the same icon as "dialog-ok").
> I would also need an icon for "application-exit".
> So if somebody have time to create these icons, it would be really
> great :)
Hi Simon!
Glad to hear that you use tango-icon-theme as the default set for Etk.
Attached is the tango-common icons that we use in Ubuntu, there are 
mostly application-icons in the set for important applications that did 
not ship with a icon following the style guidelines at the time of the 
Dapper Drake release. Also included though are dialog-cancel, 
dialog-close, dialog-apply and dialog-ok. They are located in /size/actions.
These never made it into tango-icon-theme for some reason I can't seem 
to remember right now.
- Andreas
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