[Tango-artists] Some missing icons I have been working on ...

Steven Garrity stevelist at silverorange.com
Fri Jan 20 10:48:53 PST 2006

Garrett LeSage wrote:
> Here's the working URL:
> http://www.pseudocode.org/temp/working.png
> Ryan, these look awesome!

Agreed (as Ryan knows, though, I stalk his temp dir...).

A few quick thoughts (and I realize they are still a work in progress):

* The "insert image/link/graph/text" icons put more emphasis on the 
document rather than the thing being inserted (just by size).
* The "X" on the "close window" and "disabled" red squares looks more 
like the letter X - maybe a more vertically/horizontally equal "X" shape 
might work better? (I think Andreas has a good "close" icon with a good 
symmetrical X
* The people/status icons are awesome - nice use of shape/color/outline
* Batter variations are cool too.
* I like the round monkey face (with the two little hairs) - he's the 
least realistic, but the most like the other emoticons and like the 
actually text :(|)
* The Mail and Documents emblems (I presume that's what those are above 
the monkeys) are sweet - get 'em in!

Steven Garrity

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