[Tango-artists] Some missing icons I have been working on ...

Daniel Schierbeck daniel.schierbeck at gmail.com
Fri Jan 20 15:21:54 PST 2006

Very cool! I especially like the star on the mail icon - I'm not sure if 
it's supposed to represent a new or an unread message, but it's much 
better than the current "shine", which is hard to see. I don't know if 
the rest of you have that problem (I'm a bit color blind - litterally.)

A big fan of ya'lls work
Daniel Schierbeck

Ryan Collier wrote:
> Hey guys,
> Here are some icons I have been working on to fill in the gaps we 
> currently have.
> Not all make sense because they are either not in context are labeled. 
> But that will be changing as soon as I get some free time from my 
> other duties.
> Enjoy: http://www.pseudocode,org/temp/working.png
> Regards,

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