[Tango-artists] gnome-games 10 icons, all sizes, plus preview

Jakub Steiner jimmac at novell.com
Fri May 26 08:26:09 PDT 2006

On Fri, 2006-05-26 at 00:15 -0500, Daniel Derozier wrote:
> Good day everyone,
> I proudly present the first ten gnome-games icons, in all sizes, for
> your consideration. Attached you will find the preview image and a zip
> containing each size and their vector sources (I decided to try out
> jimmac's inkscape-only workflow, and I found it works quite nicely). 

Hi Daniel,
those are fairly decent icons. Some notes though - The mines icon is a
little too flat, it totally asks for radial gradient shading. Personally
I'd drop the gloss.

Obviously all the card and board games are the same really, so being
unique with icons is hard. I like iagno, gataxx and glines treatment,
for gnect I'd go for differet token colors. gnometris is rad, but try
not to use the stylized shadow that we used to, check cvs head for a
little trick to get nice rectangular fuzzy shadows.CArdgame is nice,
blackjack has slightly too much of a dark stroke for the cards. You have
a small glitch on the large size of Aisleriot. Looks like the 2nd card
in the stack is not treated with perspective.

Great stuff though, keep it up!

Jakub Steiner <jimmac at novell.com>
Novell, Inc.

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