[Tango-artists] Why not LGPL

jEsuSdA 8) jesusda at gmail.com
Wed Sep 20 22:59:15 PDT 2006


In the Debian mail list someone says that it is not possible include 
tango icon theme by default on the Debian distro because CC is not 100% 
compatible with FSF GPL (or LGPL).

They want to include this icon theme because they are in proccess to 
changing the look of Debian (future etch release on december) but 
because this reason they can't.

I have some questions about this:

¿It is true that Tango CC license is not compatible with GPL or LGPL 
projects ?

¿Why you chose CC and not LGPL or GPL?

¿There are plains to change licence in the future?

¿It will possible to license dually Tango icon theme (LGPL for Free 
Software Project and CC for the rest)?

Thanks ;)

jEsuSdA 8)
( sorry for my poor english ;)

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