[Tango-artists] Is this project sill alive?

Rodney Dawes dobey.pwns at gmail.com
Tue Nov 5 19:53:23 CET 2013

You misunderstood the point, or what Tango is about. It wasn't simply
"prove we can do
it." It was to define a style, not build an icon theme that keeps
getting icons added
to it. The whole point of Tango is the style, not the icons.

The word "theme" explains exactly why icon themes will never be complete
and there
will always be problems. The Tango icon theme was always only ever meant
as an example
and starting point to further the style. It was never meant to have all
icons, but only a base set as defined in the Icon Naming Spec.

On Tue, 2013-11-05 at 19:47 +0100, Vlatko Boskoski wrote:
> One of the things I HATE about all these icon packs/themes is that
> there are too many projects that are "complete" but actually become
> obsolete in few years because there are no new icons when needed.
> Either the new OS version requires them of the applications have
> additional buttons.
> They are also branching after some time and none of theme is actually
> FULL icon theme. It's better to have 5 icon packs in the world, each
> with 1000 icons and have a good choice, then having 5000 "original"
> sets each of 50-100 icons.
> I really LOVE the icons from the Tango Project but If I knew that the
> point was to prove to the world that "we can do it" (that is my
> understanding of the Tango project) then I would try harder not to
> fall in love with it :)
> 8666.deviantart.com
> Rodney Dawes wrote: 
> > There will not be a "Tango" icon/window/etc… theme. The guidelines are
> > quite stable now, though perhaps a little outdated and lacking any
> > updates for drawing the high-resolution Tango style icons. However, the
> > GNOME project is certainly full-on with the style, and the current
> > Oxygen style in KDE is also very close to the Tango style.
> > 
> > The goals of the project have basically been met a few years ago, and
> > there isn't really anything new to do with Tango as a project itself.
> > 
> > 
> > On Sun, 2013-11-03 at 10:47 +0100, Jop Vernooij wrote:
> >   
> > > Is this project still alive? It looks abandoned.
> > >     
> > 
> > 
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