[Telepathy-commits] [telepathy-salut/master] add test-receive-file.py

Guillaume Desmottes guillaume.desmottes at collabora.co.uk
Fri Nov 21 03:46:40 PST 2008

 tests/twisted/avahi/test-receive-file.py |  210 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 210 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 tests/twisted/avahi/test-receive-file.py

diff --git a/tests/twisted/avahi/test-receive-file.py b/tests/twisted/avahi/test-receive-file.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5160118
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/twisted/avahi/test-receive-file.py
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+import httplib
+import urlparse
+import dbus
+import socket
+import md5
+import avahi
+import BaseHTTPServer
+from saluttest import exec_test
+from avahitest import AvahiAnnouncer, AvahiListener
+from avahitest import get_host_name
+from xmppstream import setup_stream_listener, connect_to_stream
+from servicetest import make_channel_proxy, EventPattern
+from twisted.words.xish import domish
+tp_name_prefix = 'org.freedesktop.Telepathy'
+ft_name_prefix = '%s.Channel.Type.FileTransfer.DRAFT' % tp_name_prefix
+CHANNEL_TYPE_FILE_TRANSFER = 'org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.FileTransfer.DRAFT'
+# File to Offer
+FILE_DATA = "What a nice file"
+FILE_NAME = 'foo.txt'
+FILE_CONTENT_TYPE = 'text/plain'
+FILE_DESCRIPTION = 'A nice file to test'
+m = md5.new()
+FILE_HASH = m.hexdigest()
+def test(q, bus, conn):
+    conn.Connect()
+    q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='StatusChanged', args=[0L, 0L])
+    basic_txt = { "txtvers": "1", "status": "avail" }
+    self_handle = conn.GetSelfHandle()
+    self_handle_name =  conn.InspectHandles(HT_CONTACT, [self_handle])[0]
+    contact_name = "test-file-sender@" + get_host_name()
+    listener, port = setup_stream_listener(q, contact_name)
+    AvahiAnnouncer(contact_name, "_presence._tcp", port, basic_txt)
+    publish_handle = conn.RequestHandles(HT_CONTACT_LIST, ["publish"])[0]
+    publish = conn.RequestChannel(
+        "org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.ContactList",
+        HT_CONTACT_LIST, publish_handle, False)
+    handle = 0
+    # Wait until the record shows up in publish
+    while handle == 0:
+        e = q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='MembersChanged', path=publish)
+        for h in e.args[1]:
+            name = conn.InspectHandles(HT_CONTACT, [h])[0]
+            if name == contact_name:
+                handle = h
+    requests_iface = dbus.Interface(conn, tp_name_prefix + '.Connection.Interface.Requests')
+    # Create a connection to send the FT stanza
+    AvahiListener(q).listen_for_service("_presence._tcp")
+    e = q.expect('service-added', name = self_handle_name,
+        protocol = avahi.PROTO_INET)
+    service = e.service
+    service.resolve()
+    e = q.expect('service-resolved', service = service)
+    outbound = connect_to_stream(q, contact_name,
+        self_handle_name, str(e.pt), e.port)
+    e = q.expect('connection-result')
+    assert e.succeeded, e.reason
+    e = q.expect('stream-opened', connection = outbound)
+    # Setup the HTTP server
+    httpd = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer(('', 0), HTTPHandler)
+    # connected to Salut, now send the IQ
+    iq = domish.Element((None, 'iq'))
+    iq['to'] = self_handle_name
+    iq['from'] = contact_name
+    iq['type'] = 'set'
+    iq['id'] = 'gibber-file-transfer-0'
+    query = iq.addElement(('jabber:iq:oob', 'query'))
+    url = '' % (httpd.server_port, FILE_NAME)
+    url_node = query.addElement('url', content=url)
+    url_node['type'] = 'file'
+    url_node['size'] = str(FILE_SIZE)
+    query.addElement('desc', content=FILE_DESCRIPTION)
+    outbound.send(iq)
+    e =q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='NewChannels')
+    channels = e.args[0]
+    assert len(channels) == 1
+    path, props = channels[0]
+    # check channel properties
+    # org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel D-Bus properties
+    assert props[tp_name_prefix + '.Channel.ChannelType'] == CHANNEL_TYPE_FILE_TRANSFER
+    assert props[tp_name_prefix + '.Channel.Interfaces'] == []
+    assert props[tp_name_prefix + '.Channel.TargetHandle'] == handle
+    assert props[tp_name_prefix + '.Channel.TargetID'] == contact_name
+    assert props[tp_name_prefix + '.Channel.TargetHandleType'] == HT_CONTACT
+    assert props[tp_name_prefix + '.Channel.Requested'] == False
+    assert props[tp_name_prefix + '.Channel.InitiatorHandle'] == handle
+    assert props[tp_name_prefix + '.Channel.InitiatorID'] == contact_name
+    # org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.FileTransfer D-Bus properties
+    assert props[ft_name_prefix + '.State'] == FT_STATE_LOCAL_PENDING
+    # The protocol doesn't allow us to send the content-type so use
+    # octet-stream as said in the spec.
+    assert props[ft_name_prefix + '.ContentType'] == 'application/octet-stream'
+    assert props[ft_name_prefix + '.Filename'] == FILE_NAME
+    assert props[ft_name_prefix + '.Size'] == FILE_SIZE
+    # FIXME: How should we deal with the hash properties?
+    #assert props[ft_name_prefix + '.ContentHashType'] == FILE_HASH_TYPE
+    #assert props[ft_name_prefix + '.ContentHash'] == FILE_HASH
+    # FIXME: Salut should parse the <desc> node and set the description
+    #assert props[ft_name_prefix + '.Description'] == FILE_DESCRIPTION
+    # FIXME: How should we deal with the Date property?
+    #assert props[ft_name_prefix + '.Date'] == 1225278834
+    # FIXME
+    assert props[ft_name_prefix + '.AvailableSocketTypes'] == {}
+    assert props[ft_name_prefix + '.TransferredBytes'] == 0
+    assert props[ft_name_prefix + '.InitialOffset'] == 0
+    channel = make_channel_proxy(conn, path, 'Channel')
+    ft_channel = make_channel_proxy(conn, path, 'Channel.Type.FileTransfer.DRAFT')
+    address = ft_channel.AcceptFile(SOCKET_ADDRESS_TYPE_UNIX, SOCKET_ACCESS_CONTROL_LOCALHOST, "", 0)
+    e = q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='FileTransferStateChanged')
+    state, reason = e.args
+    assert state == FT_STATE_ACCEPTED
+    # FIXME: shouldn't it be requested?
+    assert reason == FT_STATE_CHANGE_REASON_NONE
+    e = q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='FileTransferStateChanged')
+    state, reason = e.args
+    assert state == FT_STATE_OPEN
+    assert reason == FT_STATE_CHANGE_REASON_NONE
+    # Connect to Salut's socket
+    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+    s.connect(address)
+    httpd.handle_request()
+    # Read the file from Salut's socket
+    data = ''
+    read = 0
+    while read < FILE_SIZE:
+        data += s.recv(FILE_SIZE - read)
+        read = len(data)
+    print "xxxxxxxxxx", len(data), FILE_SIZE
+    assert data == FILE_DATA
+    e = q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='TransferredBytesChanged')
+    count = e.args[0]
+    while count < FILE_SIZE:
+        # Catch TransferredBytesChanged until we transfered all the data
+        e = q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='TransferredBytesChanged')
+        count = e.args[0]
+    e = q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='FileTransferStateChanged')
+    state, reason = e.args
+    assert state == FT_STATE_COMPLETED
+    assert reason == FT_STATE_CHANGE_REASON_NONE
+    channel.Close()
+    q.expect('dbus-signal', signal='Closed')
+class HTTPHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
+    def do_GET(self):
+        # is that the right file ?
+        filename = self.path.rsplit('/', 2)[-1]
+        assert filename == FILE_NAME
+        self.send_response(200)
+        self.send_header('Content-type', FILE_CONTENT_TYPE)
+        self.end_headers()
+        self.wfile.write(FILE_DATA)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    exec_test(test)

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