[Telepathy-commits] [telepathy-doc/master] Resolved some TODO comments in the example. Added some more.

Murray Cumming murrayc at murrayc.com
Tue Oct 14 02:58:05 PDT 2008

 docs/book/C/telepathy.xml               |    6 +--
 docs/examples/Makefile.am               |    2 +-
 docs/examples/list_all_protocols/main.c |   66 ++++++++++++++++++-------------
 3 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/book/C/telepathy.xml b/docs/book/C/telepathy.xml
index 50aabc6..ccaae2e 100644
--- a/docs/book/C/telepathy.xml
+++ b/docs/book/C/telepathy.xml
@@ -154,7 +154,6 @@ of the Telapathy specification.
    - This dispatches some events to applications that care about them, by 
      calling a method on the ChannelHandler interface (that the application 
      implements). This API is currently in flux.
-   - Estimated time: 5 hours.
@@ -207,7 +206,6 @@ of the Telapathy specification.
    - Important because it confuses people often.
    - Maybe put this chapter before the others if these aer shown in the early 
      examples, though Handlers are already mentioned in the Basics chapter.
-   - Estimated time: 5 hours.
@@ -318,8 +316,7 @@ added in future.
 <chapter id="chapter-transferring-files">
   <title>Transferring Files</title>
-  <para>
-  - Estimated time: 6 hours.
+  <para>TODO
@@ -327,7 +324,6 @@ added in future.
   <title>Making an appliction networked</title> <!-- TODO: Rename the title. -->
   - For instance, turn-based Tic-Tac-Toe.
-  - Estimated time: 10 hours.
diff --git a/docs/examples/Makefile.am b/docs/examples/Makefile.am
index 768d7d1..85eeb09 100644
--- a/docs/examples/Makefile.am
+++ b/docs/examples/Makefile.am
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 include $(top_srcdir)/docs/Makefile_web.am_fragment
-example_dirs = list_all_protocols list_all_contacts
+example_dirs = list_all_protocols
 SUBDIRS = $(example_dirs)
diff --git a/docs/examples/list_all_protocols/main.c b/docs/examples/list_all_protocols/main.c
index 42c4b52..670ff1f 100644
--- a/docs/examples/list_all_protocols/main.c
+++ b/docs/examples/list_all_protocols/main.c
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ list_connection_manager_protocols (TpConnectionManager * const cm, TpCMInfoSourc
                  source_name = "cached";
-                 g_printf ("    Connection Manager: %s: Protocol name: %s (%s)\n", 
+                 g_printf ("      Connection Manager: %s: Protocol name: %s (%s)\n", 
                    cm_name, protocol->name, source_name);
@@ -58,13 +58,22 @@ list_connection_manager_protocols (TpConnectionManager * const cm, TpCMInfoSourc
 /* A signal handler: */
+/* See https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18055 about the incorrectly-registered signal.
+ */
 static void
 on_connection_manager_got_info (TpConnectionManager *cm,
-                                guint source, /* TODO: This should actually be a TpCMInfoSource. */
+                                TpCMInfoSource source,
                                 void *user_data)
+  /* Get the connection manager name: */
+  gchar *cm_name = NULL;
+  g_object_get (G_OBJECT(cm),
+    "connection-manager", &cm_name,
+    NULL);
+  g_printf ("    Connection Manager: got-info: %s:\n", cm_name);
   /* TODO: Sometimes we only get the FILE (cached) result, but mostly we 
-     get that plus a seconf call with the LIVE (introspected) result. Why the difference? */
+     get that plus a second call with the LIVE (introspected) result. Why the difference? */
   if (source !=  TP_CM_INFO_SOURCE_NONE)
    list_connection_manager_protocols (cm, source);
@@ -91,8 +100,9 @@ on_list_connection_managers(TpConnectionManager * const *connection_managers,
-  //TODO: See http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17115
-  //about the awkwardness of these pointers to pointers:
+  /* TODO: See http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=17115
+   * about the awkwardness of these pointers to pointers:
+   */
   TpConnectionManager * const *cm_iter = connection_managers;
   for (; *cm_iter != NULL; ++cm_iter)
@@ -100,9 +110,12 @@ on_list_connection_managers(TpConnectionManager * const *connection_managers,
       if (!cm)
-      //TODO: The protocols really shouldn't be const.
-      //const shouldn't be used for complex types in C because C doesn't have full const support.
-      //For instance, g_object_get() takes a non-const, so this causes a warning:
+      /* TODO: See https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18040
+       * about the protocols really needing to not use const.
+       */
+      /* TODO: See http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18056
+       * about the lack of get_name() being tedious.
+       */
       gchar *cm_name = NULL;
       g_object_get (G_OBJECT(cm),
         "connection-manager", &cm_name,
@@ -113,31 +126,32 @@ on_list_connection_managers(TpConnectionManager * const *connection_managers,
       cm_name = NULL;
       //TODO: Usually there is no protocols information available, but sometimes 
-      //there is cached information available. Why?
+      //there is cached information available. Why? TODO: Is that still the case with latest telepath-glib?
       //There is an always-introspect property, but setting that would only cause 
       //introspection to happen at idle time. How can we request it and wait for it.
-      //The always-introspect documentation also talks about the CM being online or running.
-      //What does online/running mean in that context?
-      //There is a got-info signal, but how can we be sure that it hasn't been 
+      //TODO: See mailing list discussion about this: There is a got-info signal, but how can we be sure that it hasn't been 
       //emitted before we have even had a chance to connect a signal handler here.
       //Should we create a new ConnectionManager (though we already have one) with 
       //the same name, just to be able to connect that signal early enough?
-      //
-      //We can activate() the CM, which should then be followed by a got-info, 
-      //but will that got-info signal be emitted if it is already activated?
-      //(activated/running/online seem to be synonymous).
       if (cm->info_source == TP_CM_INFO_SOURCE_NONE)
           g_printf("    No protocols information is available. Attempting introspection.\n");
-          /* Request introspection: */
-          /* TODO: Why is this asynchronous? It's just a little disk access that 
-             happens faster than the user could do anything in the meantime, 
-             to load some shared libraries and call some functions in them, surely.
-             Or is there (and if so, why) network access sometimes? */
+          /* Request introspection:
+           * We activate() the CM, triggering introspection, which will  
+           * then be followed by a got-info signal.
+           */
+          /* TODO: See mailing list discussion about the awkwardness of the asynchronous API here:
+          /* TODO: How do we know when the last signal has been emitted, so
+           *  we can unreference the mainloop.
+           */
           g_signal_connect (cm, "got-info",
             G_CALLBACK (on_connection_manager_got_info), mainloop);
+          /* Activating a connection manager causes it to be running. */
           tp_connection_manager_activate (cm);
@@ -152,13 +166,11 @@ on_list_connection_managers(TpConnectionManager * const *connection_managers,
-  /* Stop the mainloop so the program finishes: */
-  /* TODO: Commented out so that our signal handlers are called.
-   * Either block (with a second mainloop, via a utility function?) when waiting 
-   * for them.
-   * Or somehow refcount the mainloop (is a final mainloop unref equivalent to a quit?)
-   * g_main_loop_quit (mainloop);
+  /* Unref the mainloop so the program can finish when all references have been released: */
+  /* TODO: Commented-out because we don't yet have a way to keep a reference while got-info 
+   *  is being emitted.
+  g_main_loop_unref (mainloop);

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